

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas morning together!  Santa brought Will a remote controlled Cranky the Crane!  He also got Legos, some new Thomas trains, and two new games.  In his stocking he got an electric toothbrush, a new Thomas DVD (can you tell what one of his favorite things is right now?), a wallet with a driver's license, and a matchbox car.  But the thing that made him stop digging in the stocking for more was the M&M candy cane, of course!
Will must be like Grandad Mike!  He shook this present and correctly
guessed it contained Legos!  (My dad could ALWAYS guess what
was in his presents!)

And last, but not least, the dogs had a great Christmas too.  Will picked out presents for them including a chew bone for each one.  Josie wasn't interested in hers so Napoleon quickly confiscated both of them for himself. 
He was really cute sitting there with both of his bones.

Then I got a little too close!
Merry Christmas!

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