

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thousand Steps

Will really needed to get out of the house today and he suggested going on a hike.  It was a little warmer today than it has been so we decided to go to Thousand Steps.

Jerry had the idea to take a picture of each numbered step - but we missed one!

We took the dogs along too and they walked all the way up
and half the way down before we started carrying them!
My big little adventure dogs!

Doesn't he look like he just owns the trail?

Will was so excited to be there that he readily posed for pictures!

Will led the way and set the pace - fast.  We were to the top in
just under 40 minutes!  He and Napoleon could have
gone faster if they didn't have to stop for Jerry and me!  It was funny to
watch Napoleon and Will vie for who was the "leader" out front.

 At the top is an old rock structure left from the quarrying activities in the past.

It's too bad the building was covered with so much graffiti.

A view from the top.

We did NOT add this graffiti - we just took advantage of it for a photo!

Will found a woolly worm!
By the time we reached the bottom we were all tired, even Will.  It was funny because suddenly the hike was no longer his idea that we were nice enough to go along with, instead he told us he deserved a treat when he got to the bottom - like buying a new car!  As it turned out sitting down in the car was the only treat he needed.  : )

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