

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Part 4

We had our Christmas morning together on the 27th.  Will slept until 8:30 (thankfully!) and then chose to open presents before breakfast, of course!  : )

Will chose to open his largest present first
More presents...
And even more presents...
Too many presents maybe??
Finally stocking time!
And there's still more in there!
Who knew you could trash a living room so quickly!!
Rewind to when we first got up.  Napoleon obviously remembered Christmas from years
past and sniffed around until he found his pile of gifts.  Once he found them, he never
left them!!  Look back through all the pictures above and see where
Napoleon is standing, then sitting, and finally laying!!
Finally it was his turn to open his presents!  He and Josie got toys,
treats, and a new bed.  I gave them each one treat and then
Napoleon spent another hour standing by the bag on the table
hoping for more!!  He gets an "A" for persistence (but not another treat!)
I have to add a note about Will and the train.  Not a train he got for Christmas, but the train he wanted for Christmas.  For quite some time he has been asking for a train like Grandad's but we don't want to get him one because we like the one at Grandad's house being special.  After we opened gifts, Jerry commented that he thought Santa would get him a new Wii game but he wasn't expecting the specific one he got.  Then Will said, "I thought Santa would bring me a train."  And that was all he said.  No crying or complaining, just an observation.  That broke my heart on one level because of course you want your child to have the thing they want most for Christmas.  But it made me so proud of him for being thankful for the gifts he did receive and not dwelling on what he doesn't have.  He really is good at seeing what we should be thankful for!

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