

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our Kayaking Trip

Jerry has been wanting to go kayaking for quite a while now.  I have been dreading it for just as long!  I finally gave in and called Rothrock Outfitters in town and scheduled a kayaking trip for Saturday.  We rented a tandem kayak with an extra seat for Will so we could go together.  Our float started on the Raystown branch of the Juniata River at Corbin's Island just below Raystown Dam and ended at the junction of the main branch of the Juniata.

I will say they scenery was beautiful and the water was perfectly clear and shallow (too shallow at one point!).  It wasn't quite as scary as I imagined it would be (yes, I am a chicken) but I refuse to publish the unflattering photos Jerry snapped as we were first starting out (I looked terrified)!  Jerry and Will both had a great time.

It was HARD to get all three of us in the picture!
The scenery really was beautiful.
It must be dragonfly mating season, but luckily Will never noticed and didn't ask any difficult questions!
He did enjoy watching the dragonflies "using the leaves as kayaks."
This part of the river was just a little too shallow!  We thought we chose the best path
available but Jerry still ended up having to "tow us" back to deeper water!
I think we would have been fine in separate kayaks but with all of us
in one we were dragging bottom!
If Will tells you we went over a waterfall don't panic!  Here is our "waterfall."  : )
Will was getting hungry and consequently bored by the end of the trip so
Jerry moved him to the front with him.  Then he ended up on the top
where he could dangle his legs in the water.  I was worried
about him being up there but the more rational side of
my brain reminded me he was wearing a life jacket,
he probably could have stood up in the water anyway,
and the water wasn't even flowing fast enough to
move our kayak!

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