Today was Jerry's birthday and Will and I surprised him with a special evening. Will has been excited about the surprise for weeks now. Almost daily he has been asking Jerry to cover his ears and running over to me with a new idea for Jerry's birthday! I was quite surprised myself by the fact that Will never said a word to Jerry about any of our plans! We spent the day today baking a mandarin orange cake, wrapping and hiding his present, making a card, putting up decorations, and cooking a special dinner. Will asked a week or so ago what special dinner we were going to cook for "Pat" (as he is currently calling Jerry). I told him we would have deer meat, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. He got excited and said, "It sounds like a birthday for me too!"
The only part Will had a hard time with was the present. He wanted to hide it and give Jerry clues about where to find it. He chose to hide it under the covers in our bed but as soon as it was time for the present Will yelled, "I hid it under the covers in your bed!"
Will worked for a VERY long time on Jerry's card. He stenciled the letters, CAREFULLY painted them,
and then added a picture at the bottom. For those of you who need some extra help, the picture
is of an airport. It includes the following features: a ceiling, an attic, a sandbox, a door with a
doorknob, a table, a smokestack, an airplane and another one waiting in line, a kitten, another kitten hiding in a
vent pipe that is there to catch rain that might blow in the attic (and those are only the things I remember)! |
Inside, Will created a machine for Jerry. |
Happy belated Birthday Jerry! Miss you guys!