

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 2015

We visited Timmy and Amy and got to play with their
new baby goats.  Soooo cute!!

He fell asleep in my arms!!!  I was in heaven!

Grandad's parlor trick with his amputated finger!!  LOL!!
It's right up Will's alley!

Write a sentence using the word "Mrs."
"Mrs. Metz is the best teacher ever!"

Our new baby's car ride home!  Jerry got him for our anniversary.

We knew the tiny guy needed a big name, and I wanted a smart dog....
so Solomon it was.  : )
Now I hope he grows into his name just like Napoleon did.  ; )

His first walk.  We couldn't find a harness small enough so I made
him a jacket out of Jerry's sock and safety pinned it to his leash.

Grandma holding her new granddog - love at first sight!

After MANY years - Will finally decided to try a quesadilla....
and LOVED it!!
Will helped paint the chalkboard in his "secret" room I added under
the stairs in the basement.

Will actually got up on stage and read the poem he wrote about cats.
All it took was a bag of donuts as a bribe.  ; )

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