

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Will decided he wanted to grow a garden earlier this summer.  I was disappointed that we were moving because I had thought about putting in a garden in the back yard since I finally had enough space for one.  Since I wasn't sure we would be around long enough to harvest our crop, Will decided to plant his garden at grandma's house.  She roped off one end of her garden just for him.  We started the plants from seed inside earlier in the season.  Will chose squash, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, and black eyed peas.  I don't think any of his green bean plants sprouted but everything else did and we transplanted it to Will's end of the garden. 
He ended up with a nice crop of everything except carrots.  They grew but were never able to grow through the peat-pod that we started them in so they were short, stubby, and twisted around each other!  We harvested them anyway and mom cooked them - it yielded a whole spoonful of carrots!  : )
One weekend Will spent the night with mom and they set up a produce stand in her yard.  He was thrilled to sell his vegetables!  He was giving away cherry tomatoes as "an extra little bonus in the bag" as Will put it.  Even when they were sold out he wasn't ready to close up shop so mom got out some store-bought broccoli from the fridge and let him sell that too!  : )     
Each time we went to mom's house Will harvested his vegetables.

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