

Monday, October 22, 2012

Catching Up

We have been so busy recently that I haven't taken the time to update my blog.  So here's a quick recap...

Will finished up outdoor soccer with a great game.  It was his best all season.  He stayed focused and ran hard.  He scored a goal, almost scored another goal during his kickoff from midfield to start the game, and even caught up with Drew to block him from scoring a goal.  (For those who don't know, Drew is one of the best and fastest little soccer players out there!)  Of course I didn't remember my camera to record the action.  : (  The team had a pizza party after the game to celebrate and Will really enjoyed that too.

I spent one whole day washing windows and Will helped.  I was surprised by how long he stayed interested.  I guess using the spray bottle was a special treat.  I wish it had seemed like a special treat to me!!!

 Jerry and I worked in the basement recently cleaning out my storage closet under the steps to put up shelves for my canned foods.  I canned 52 quarts of applesauce, 20 pints of applebutter, and about 25 quarts of green beans, in addition to pickled beets, peaches, and raspberry jelly!  So obviously I needed more storage space!  While we were working on the shelves I caught Will singing the theme song to Phineas & Ferb, which has been one of his favorite things to watch on Netflix recently.


Our biggest project recently has been the garage.  We've been working on insulating, adding drywall, and painting the unfinished walls.  Will has really enjoyed helping with that too.  He used his gator to haul things from the garage to the shed before we started work.  Then while we were putting up the drywall we sat him down with the battery powered screwdriver and some drywall.  He must have drilled and screwed over 50 screws!  That provided entertainment for a LONG time!  Then we let him use some drywall mud to fill in some of his holes.  He helped me with the sanding but got mad when I wouldn't let him use the electric sander because of the dust it created.

When we bought paint we picked up a small roller and tray for Will and let him help paint.  He was so proud of himself!  He said I had to judge between him and Jerry when we finished to decide who got the "A+"  I made a big show of judging and I could tell he was actually nervous because he was so hopeful about getting the best grade.  Of course he was awarded the "A+" and he ran to get a piece of paper for me to write it on (I guess grades only count when they're written down).  I wrote his grade and then drew him a blue ribbon which he was very proud of. 

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