

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A New Sink!!!

I have really hated my kitchen sink ever since we moved here.  It leaks.  The "spray" function won't switch off completely.  It's too shallow.  It's so scratched that no matter how hard I scrub it never looks clean.  I've often wished that I could have packed my kitchen sink from Covington and moved it along with us! Anyone who brings "everything but the kitchen sink" forgot to bring the most important thing!  A nice sink is easy to take for granted until you have a really crummy one!  I tried for two years to make peace with my kitchen sink but it never worked.  The final straw was when we realized the leak underneath was worse than we thought.  So purely in the interest of protecting the subfloor, we replaced the sink and faucet today!  YAY!!!!!!!!

Will was so excited to help Daddy with a project.  He and Jerry checked out
the pipes before they started work.  With a very official air, Will repeated
everything Jerry said or did.  It was priceless!
I had the best of both worlds today - getting a new sink and
watching Will help Jerry install it! 
   Will's quote of the day:  "We're doing man things now!"

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