

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Will taking care of Napoleon

Will loves to take care of the dogs.  He likes to feed and water them, and gets very upset if anyone else lets them outside or back in.

It was rather chilly in the house this morning since it has been so cold lately.  Will went and found a blanket and carefully wrapped it around Napoleon, leaving him a little hole to peek out.  He said he thought Napoleon was cold and he wanted to keep his dog warm.  Napoleon actually looked quite appreciative! 


  1. That is funny that Napoleon left Will do this! Natalee tried to do this to Meg last week, but Meg was not very appreciative! I found it really funny, though because normally the kids don't really mess with Meg too much.

  2. By the way, I LOVE the picture with Pittsburgh in the background! That looks so neat.
