

Monday, January 31, 2011

Potty Humor

The other day while I was in the bathroom, Will stuck his head in the door and asked if I needed some privacy.  I told him yes so he closed the door again.  Then he stuck his head back in the door and said "call for me when you're done."  So I said I would and he closed the door.  Then he stuck his head back in the door again with a big smile on his face and said "but you have to wipe your own butt!" and started laughing!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Playing Outside

It warmed up so much in Covington Saturday that we went outside to ride bikes.  In contrast, Jerry went in to work and came out 3 hours later to freshly fallen snow covering the road.  He was in the car and had to call a friend to get home! (And he had the fun job of shoveling the driveway - again!)

Will was excited to get to ride his bike.  He had tried to ride it in the snow at home this week
but it didn't work out so well between the slick surface and the bulky snow suit. 
Completely at random, Will looked up at Kristen and said " You have a nice hair cut!"
Her hair really did look pretty with the sun shining through her curls!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Spending the Day with Grandma Margie

Will and I spent the day with Grandma Margie today.  We had lunch with Aunt Carol and Uncle Greg, then went to the nursing home to check on Pat.  Will was great at the nursing home - he waved and said hello to all the residents we met in the halls.  You could tell it really brightened their day to talk him since he was acting so friendly. 

Will wanted to sit beside Uncle Greg and moved his chair to be closer.

Will gave Pat a hug before we left the nursing home.
Grandma probably never wants to see another car considering how long
Will wanted to play cars with her!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Beautiful Drive to Grandma's House

We lucked into perfect timing to see the sun setting over the mountains on our way home.  It was beautiful!  I do miss the mountains!

This is my favorite view from the top of North Mountain.

The sunset as we were coming into Clifton Forge.

Going to Grandma's House

Will and I are on the way to Grandma's house for the weekend.  Too bad Jerry had to work and couldn't join us.  Though I don't think he was too upset since he is hosting poker night tomorrow!

Wow I look tired!  If Will wasn't so cute in this one I would definitely leave it off of here!!  : )

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Will's Snowman

Will and I went outside before lunch and played in the snow (since he had played independently all morning).  We had a snowball fight and made a (tiny) snowman.  Then we shoveled the driveway - just in time for it to start snowing again!  About 3 more inches fell throughout the afternoon... so much for my clear driveway!

Will was so proud of his tiny snowman.  He actually posed for a picture so we could show Grandma.

At least the snow that fell after lunch was pleasing to the eye.  It was wet enough to stick to the trees.

The Effects of Mommy Spending too Much Time Cleaning Today....

While we were having lunch today Will told me he wants a baby.  He said he could use my big camera to take pictures of it and send them to grandma to look at.  I asked him where we would get a baby, just to see what he would say.  He told me we should just ask for one, so I asked him who we should ask.  He thought for a second, then said we could just ask Lindsay for her baby (Brady)!  I told him Lindsay probably doesn't want to get rid of Brady, and besides Brady is getting to be a big boy now not a baby.

Five minutes later, he said we could just get another baby like Sophia or another one (apparently we can just find one anywhere)!  And that when he grows up he could ride a bike with him.  Beginning to feel guilty, I thought I would remind him about the not-so-fun parts of having a baby, like sharing (which he HATES right now).  I assumed that would end the conversation, but instead he told me that he would give him a car to play with.  Then he reminded me that he would be a baby and would need baby toys so he would go to the store and buy him a rattle.

I think I have made him play independently too long today!!  We will be heading outside for a snowball fight after lunch!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Playing in the Snow

It snowed about 2-3 inches Thursday night.  On Friday, Will and I went out to shovel the driveway.  He helped me shovel for a while then made snow angels before starting a snowball fight!  We had so much fun!

This is my favorite picture!!

Making tracks in the snow

He was good at making snow angels after getting lots of practice at Natalee's house recently.

We had hot chocolate after we came in.  Will wanted marshmallows AND whipped cream!

Lots of sugar!  Yum!

Friday, January 21, 2011

I told Will not to make a mess with the playdough - he said "but I was making a wheel and you ruined all my fun"! then he looked at me and laughed!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Play Dough Night

We had family play dough night tonight.  Will made pizza and bacon.  Jerry made a rocket ship and a whale, and Kelly made a bowl of cereal and a mushroom.  Good messy fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lunch with Daddy

We met Daddy for lunch today at Paesano's in Alexandria and
shared ice cream for dessert. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Will Playing Wii

Can you guess what Wii game Will was playing last night? 

The new pogo stick hopping game?

Maybe it was a ski jump game.....
Nope!  It was tennis!
Though you would never have guessed it by the way he was hopping around!
He had so much fun, and was completely worn out afterward.  : )

Friday, January 14, 2011

God is Great, God is Good

Will's version of bowing his head and closing his eyes to pray.

Jewelry Making Workshop

Will helped me make a bracelet from glass beads today.  I bought them thinking his fine motor skills would benefit from sorting them and handing them to me one at a time.  The holes in the center of the beads were so small though that I didn't think he'd be able to thread them on the string.  We were making a pattern of long ones and then round ones.  Half way through he said he wanted to try so I let him.  The first two or three took him a long time, but he kept working at it until he got them on.  He slid the last few on with no problem.  He was really proud to have made a bracelet for me!

Check out the concentration.
If you look closely you can see the tiny bead he threaded onto the string.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

We Made a Snowflake at Story Time

Will and I went to Story Time at the library today.  He cut out a very nice blue snowflake and got to glue it on a blue background.  Then of course he was the one to remember it was time for a snack so he asked Miss Lisa, the Story Time teacher, if we were having snack today.  He wasn't a bit shy about asking when it comes to a snack!

After lunch we played Hi-Ho Cherry-O.  It amazes me how much better he is at that game now compared to just a few months ago, even though we haven't really played it much at all. 

The snowflake Will cut out during Story Time at the library today.

"Is it a hat, Mommy?"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sledding with Natalee and Brady

We had several more inches of snow last night so we braved the roads and went to Lindsay's house this morning to go sleigh riding on the hill beside her house.  I was worried about the car making it there and back home since it's rear-wheel drive, but I told Will we would try since he and Natalee were both looking forward to it.  On the way over Will said "Mommy, I'm happy at you for taking me."  How sweet!!

Will had so much fun going down the hill.  Each time he would tell me that he was going to scream like a girl on the way down, and sure enough he squealed the whole time!  It was great to get out today since play day was cancelled at the Community Center.

After nap Will helped me make turkey burgers for dinner.  He usually eats better if he helps me cook.  : )

Will taking care of Napoleon

Will loves to take care of the dogs.  He likes to feed and water them, and gets very upset if anyone else lets them outside or back in.

It was rather chilly in the house this morning since it has been so cold lately.  Will went and found a blanket and carefully wrapped it around Napoleon, leaving him a little hole to peek out.  He said he thought Napoleon was cold and he wanted to keep his dog warm.  Napoleon actually looked quite appreciative! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Will is Going to Preschool

We decided that Will would benefit from attending a half day of preschool once each week.  We went to try it out this morning and he had a great time.  They had cars and trains there so what's not to love!  I can't believe my baby is a preschooler!  : (

Will loved the playdough - especially since e could drive cars through it (which we don't get to do at home).  He even shared nicely with two other kids.  : )

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snow Tubing at Tussey Mountain

Jenny, Craig, Brittney, and Ashley came to visit this weekend.  We went snow tubing at Tussey Mountain Resort on Saturday.  Will was excited about it, but not at all excited about putting on his snow suit and boots.  That upset him to begin with, then he had to ride up the lift in his own tube and he didn't like that part either.  He liked when we hooked our tubes together and the three of us went down at once, but after two times he was cold and didn't want to ride the lift by himself any more.

We went back to the lodge and had some hot chocolate, which ended up being his favorite part of our tubing adventure.  We buy lift tickets, and Will only cares about the $2 cup of hot chocolate - go figure!  : )

Will enjoying his hot chocolate!

Resting up and getting warm after tubing today.
Will having fun with Jenny  : )

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We don't have 5 dogs, Mom!

I aksed Will to let the dogs in from outside while I was upstairs.  I wasn't sure if both dogs had come in so I asked Will if Napoleon was inside yet.  He went to the door and opened it saying "Poley came in - see Mom, there are none dogs left to come in.  We don't have 5 dogs, Mom!"

You could so easily hear the tone in his voice that said "are you crazy - don't you know we only have 2 dogs?!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

State College First Night - The Day After

This was Will's favorite ice sculpture - of course!!

Christmas 2010 at Home

We drove back home after Will's birthday lunch on Monday and then had Christmas morning here on Tuesday.  We had a wonderful time!