

Sunday, September 28, 2014

HarvestFest at DelGrosso's

I told you in the last post - we are making up for lost time at DelGrosso's!  I enjoyed the petting zoo they always have during their HarvestFest event.  : )


You can see from the previous pictures - the bumper cars are Will's favorite ride!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


We are getting our fill of DelGrosso's after missing it for a whole year.  Will is tall enough to ride almost everything now so he has had a fun time.  Now he's just waiting to be tall enough to drive the go-karts.  : )

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Will Finally Lost that Other Tooth

That other front tooth has been hanging in there, but just barely!  Honestly, it's been creeping me out because it moves at very odd angles when he talks, or laughs, or smiles - basically all the time!!  We were getting ready for soccer practice and I knew that tooth would never last through peactice as aften as he hits the ground.  That would mean the tooth would be lost in the grass and Will would be devastated.  Since I couldn't convince him to pull it out, I instigated a game of tug with a blanket.  I gave one good yank on the blanket, Will flopped into me on the couch, and we both heard the tooth hit the leather cushion.  Success!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I Miss Sunrise and Sunset!!!

While I'm very thankful for the apartment we are in, I've never lived anywhere where I don't see the sky until I step outside each day -and I miss it!!!  Its funny how you think about all the practical things when looking for somewhere to live but sometimes its the little things you really notice.  Not that I would trade apartments for a better view!!  I'm just glad it won't be long term.  :)

I appreciated the sunset from the Wal-Mart parking lot!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Packing the House - Weekend 4 (And Our Tree Lived!!)

 Jerry went back to VA for one more weekend of moving.  He dealt with the last few items, arranged for a lawn care service to mow, housekeepers to come clean, the piano to be moved, and met the furniture movers as they loaded our big stuff.  Thankfully that all went smoothly!  :)

We were relieved to see that the HUGE crepe myrtle we moved from the front yard to beside the house survived the traumatic move!! I had been watching it all spring and summer but was giving up hope as the other ones leafed out and flowered but the transplanted one showed no signs of life.  Finally though on my last trip down I noticed some leaves coming out.  The following weekend when Jerry went down it was covered in new leaves!  Yay!!!!!!  

Here is the post detailing the huge process of moving that tree.