Last week Will spent a few days on vacation, as he called it, at grandma's house. Virginia had very bad storms May 29 and mom was without power for several (very hot) days. She was supposed to start class for her LPN degree Monday but classes were cancelled due to the storms and power outages. Since they finally got power restored I took Will down on Tuesday afternoon. Mom's class was originally scheduled to be out on Wednesday and Friday, with only a half day on Thursday. Unfortunately, since they missed class on Monday they ended up having to go on Friday. This cut into some of mom's time with Will but he still had fun being at Grandma's and playing with Kristen. They visited Amazement Square in Lynchburg and spent quite a bit of time at the lake swimming.
Jerry and I enjoyed our "vacation" at home. We went to the Sale at Belleville on Wednesday while Jerry was off, and Thursday evening we went shopping and out to eat in State College. It was some very enjoyable and much-needed time together and I'm very thankful!
On Saturday we took Will to DelGrosso's water park since it was SO VERY HOT outside. It was rather crowded but that really didn't interfere with Will's fun. He had a great time on the water slides and surprisingly he loved the huge dump bucket this year. It's amazing the things that can change so quickly - until very recently he hated water pouring over his head. By dinner time he was reverting to the generally poor mood he's been in lately and was complaining about a gnat trying to eat his sandwich. Jerry said "if you would just eat it, it wouldn't be a problem." I died laughing when Will replied very seriously "I don't want to eat a gnat!"
Today he has spent the better part of his day catching silver spotted skipper butterflies on my bee balm flowers.
This one got away. Others weren't so lucky.
Fortunately he is good at catching them gently then releasing them. |