

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Morning

Grandma had bought so many things for Will's Easter that the "Easter Bunny" (Jerry and I) didn't have any work to do at all! 

We hid his basket with a talking egg in it and let him find it.  I think the egg scared him though becuase he saw the basket in the dining room but wouldn't go near it until I showed him where the talking was coming from and turned the egg off!

Of course the trucks and cars in the basket were his favorite part (that and the candy!).  Nothing in the basket suffered the fate of the socks in his stocking at Christmas - tossed over the shoulder!  I had suspected that the new shorts might have received that treatment! 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter at Grandma's

Will and I went to Covington for the week while Jerry travelled to Sydney, New York for work. 
Dinner at Grandma Margie's house

Will "planted" dandelions in Grandma's flower bed.

Naptime at Grandma's house

Grandma made "logs" of broken sticks for Will's trucks to haul to the mill.

Planting tomatoes with Grandma. 
Will however said it was asparagus for some reason!

Kristen got Will a bug catching kit in his Easter bucket.  Later they caught a
salamander and an earth worm to put in the container.

Kristen teaching Will to play Rock, Paper, Scissors

Monday, April 18, 2011


Jerry and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary last week.  We flew to San Juan and then went on a cruise with Will.  We had a great time visiting so many islands that we had never visited on our cruises before.  We also loved Peurto Rico and wished that we had planned a longer stay there.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Caught Singing

I came downstairs and found Will in the middle of singing Jesus Loves Me as he played the piano.  I thought I could stick my camera around the corner without him seeing me, since any performance normally ceases as soon as the camera is in sight.  Surprisingly, he saw the camera but was willing to keep singing and playing anyway, as long as I joined in.