This morning at breakfast Will started talking about snakes (we had watched an episode of The Cat in The Hat featuring a snake). He said he didn't like them but he liked to cook them and eat them up - where that part came from I have no clue! Then he told me that Grandad Mike had taught him how to cook snakes "a couple of years ago." A minute later he said Grandad Mike had also taught him how to sleigh ride, and then asked if he was up in the sky. I told him yes, that he lives in heaven. Will thought for a second then asked if he has a car.
"Yes, he probably has a really cool Jeep."
"Does he have any toys?"
"Yes, I imagine he has lots of toys."
"Who does he bring them to?"
"Well, Jesus lives in Heaven so I'm sure he plays with Jesus. And Grandma Nelson is there, so I bet he plays with her too."
Thankfully he didn't have any more questions after that because I couldn't answer any more. I think I made it to the tissue box before he noticed my eyes!
Later today Will got a card in the mail from Jenny. He's always so excited when he gets mail. He tore open the envelope, looked at the card and got a little funny look on his face then said "It's a card." So I read it to him and gave him the "hugs and kisses" from Nenny. Then he opened up the card and found the two dollars inside. He got all excited and threw the card aside and asked if he could fold up his money. A few minutes later he came back over and said "Mommy, I don't really like cards, but I LIKE money!" It was just funny because that was the first time that he wasn't excited about just the card. It sounds like Nenny, Grandma Marchita, and Grandma Margie are all spoiling him with presents in the mail! : )
We met Jerry for lunch today at Paesano's. On the way Will was so excited to see Jerry (he absolutely idolizes his Daddy). He got quiet after a while and I asked him what was wrong - if Will is quiet there's a problem! In a little wimpery voice he said "I don't want Daddy to have to go back to work." He gets sad when we have to leave after lunch and he was already thinking about Jerry returning to work while we went home. Sure enough after lunch he was really sad all the way home. To brighten the afternoon we had a snack of strawberry volcanoes with whipped cream lava...
On a parting note to an incredibly rambling post I'll provide a quick vocabulary update...
The past tense of "write" is "rooted."
As in "Mommy, where is the star you "rooted" on my underwear?" (I drew a star on them so he would know where the back was since they don't have tags.) I just love it because you can see the progression of learning English grammar. He's got the add "ed" rule worked out, and he knows it's not pronounced "writed" so he applied the rule for "know" and "knew"!