

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We're Just Looking Today

Jerry and Will are playing with play dough.  Jerry made Will a dollar bill and told him he could use it to buy something from mommy.  I came over and asked him what he would like to buy with that dollar.  He said "I don't want to buy anything - we're just looking today".  I can't believe he has ever heard that enough to pick up on it and use it correctly!  Too cute!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making Gingerbread Cookies

We went to Lindsay's house today to make gingerbread cookies with Natalee and Brady.
Good, messy fun!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Will and the Cereal Box

I had left the cereal box out on the counter after breakfast and Will found it sitting there.  He asked if he could put it away so I told him sure he could.  Then he looked at the box and said "well I dont think I can lift it"

Then he took the box and got really close to it and wrinkled his forehead in concentration and said "see it says right here (pointing to some words) this box is for mommies to carry"  "mommies please carry the box"  "see thats what the box says"

So I said ok I will put it away and then I started laughing.  And he said "don't laugh at me mommy - its too late!"

Friday, December 3, 2010

Carrying Myself on My Feet

Normally I carry Will from the bathtub to the bed wrapped up in his towel.  Instead he asked to get down and said "I want to carry myself in here on my feet."  I guess that's the new terminology for walking!

Will "carried himself on his feet" to help Jerry pick out his pajamas.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Playing Football

Will asked if I wanted to play football today.  I said yes, and we went to opposite sides of the living room.  He said he was going to sit down and I said it might be easier to throw if he stood up instead. 

Will:  "But I haven't eaten my pie so my legs can't stand up" (meaning the turkey pot pie I'm cooking for dinner)

Me:  Oh, I see - you don't have enough energy to stand up because you are famished"

Will:  Yes, but I can try to stand up.

So he stood up in front of the couch and then immediately fell backwards onto it.

Will:  See - I can't even stand up.

So then he sat down and threw the ball to me

Me:  Wow that was a good throw - you must have a little energy left

Will:  I have some energy in my arms but my legs don't have any left!