

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Altoona Railroad Museum

We visited the Altoona Railroad Museum today with Grandad and Grandma Marchita.  It was actually an interesting place to visit.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grandad at Story Time

Grandad went with us to sotry time at the library while he was here this week.

Grandad's Visit

Grandad stayed with us for a few days while Grandma Marchita went to Harrisburg for work.  He helped Will clean up the leaves in the back yard with the leaf blower.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween 2010

Will decided early this year that he wanted to dress up as Napoleon for Halloween and he never swayed from that decision.  It took forever to find a costume with Napoleon's coloring!  But it was worth it - look how cute he is and how happy it made him to dress up like his "favorite" dog!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vocabulary Update

Mucher - more, ex:  "I want mucher and mucher toys"   

Choose-ed - past tense of choose, ex: "I choos-ed  to chase the white dog"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

JB Tree Farm Visit

We visited the JB Tree Farm while Jenny and Craig were here this weekend.  We went through their corn maze and took a hay ride.  We also bought way too many corn stalks to fit in the vehicle and I spent the rest of the day climbing around them to get out of the Explorer!
Will and Brittney climbed the hay mountain and Will actually crawled through the tunnel underneath
(it was dark in there)!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Will:  "Poley is my favorite dog.  He's a chickawahwah."  (chihuahua)!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Digging for Worms

Will said "I'm using lots of big muscles to bend down and up looking for dirt worms!"

Will wanted to make sure we sent this picture to Grandma so she would know he was digging a hole.

Bath Time

Will invented his own way to get a back massage.  I turned around and he had his back under the water faucet!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Festival

We went to a small Fall Festival outside of Clearfield today.  Will loved riding this "caterpillar train" being pulled by a tractor.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reading to Josie

Josie likes getting in bed with Will as he is waking up from his nap.  Today Will wanted me to go get him the Runaway Bunny book so he could read it to her. 

He said "look at the little bunny pretending to be a rock" as he showed her the picture.
(Just like I read it to him!)

Vocabulary Lesson

You may have thought they were called lima beans, but they are "wild" beans.

Also, lollipops is pronounced "wollypops".

Gramatically, if you want to use the word "that", as in the store that sells food, you instead use the word "what".  The store what sells food.  (I have no idea where he got that from!)

Baking Together

Making moon pies and licking the beaters - YUM!

(At least the batter was good because the moon pies were a complete failure!)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Appropriate Clothing

Referring to a character on TV, Will just said "they should wear a t-shirt and t-pants, too!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Will's Million Dollar Question

Two nights ago we gave Will a bath and wrapped him in his towel afterward.  He was laying on the bed in his towel and we were talking like we always do.  He was looking up at the ceiling fan and asked me what that little ball was.  I looked up to see what little ball he was talking about, but didn't see anything so I asked "What little ball, honey?" Will said "this little ball right here", at which point I realized he was talking about something in his hand.  So I opened his towel and found that he had hold of his own "little balls"!! 
So calmly I followed all the advise in the parenting books and gave him the proper name of that body part... "Those are your testicles, honey."  Hilarious crisis averted.... I thought.  Then he promptly asks "What are they for Mommy?"  Unfortunately, parenting books haven't provided an age-appropriate description of the function of testicles.  But not to worry... Daddy stepped in to solve the problem and advised Will that your testicles are there to keep your peepee from floating away!!!
Needing to correct Daddy's explanation, (which would certainly result in unfounded fears that his peepee could randomly float away), but lacking a better explanation myself, I told him that his testicles were there for his peepee to lay on!!!

McDonald's Toy

I cleaned out a junk drawer yesterday and found an old McDonald's toy.  I layed it on the counter to give to Will later.  He got up on his step stool and saw it laying there and asked if I could open it for him.  I told him yes, and as I was opening the package, he looked up at me and said so seriously "How do my toys get away from me?"